About Us
We are an affiliated club of Swimming Queensland (SQ) based at the Salisbury State School pool. We are open to everyone, even if your child does not attend Salisbury State School.
We are a low-cost club, endeavouring to keep our prices affordable for families in our community.
We offer after-school Learn-to-Swim lessons and Squad, as well as a friendly and fun Friday club night. We also offer holiday intensive lessons and low-cost adult squad periodically. Please like our Facebook page for the latest details on holiday program.
What We Offer
Learn to Swim (3 years up)
We offer lessons for Kindy and levels 1-3. If you are new to our club, your child will be assessed prior to being offered a place in a learn-to-swim lesson.
Junior Squad
Junior squad is offered to those swimmers who have graduated level 3 of learn to swim lessons. The focus of Juniorl squad is on stroke correction and increasing endurance.
Senior Squad
Senior Squad is a competitive-level training with a focus on fitness and endurance.
Swim club is on every Friday night during school terms 1 and 4. There is always a yummy barbeque, and healthy fun treats available at the canteen. Swim club begins at 5.15pm with a free swim, and progresses with friendly races in all stokes. We usually finish with all-age handicapped relays.
There are also 12.5 m races for the littlies (with the senior swimmers helping out for safety).
We compete in friendly meets with other swim clubs in the area. All club members are encouraged to join us at the meets. We would especially love to welcome more swimmers in the high school age-groups (13-17 years).